29 Jun

Seamoss is a superfood powerhouse! Read below to learn more about it. 

Did you know? Sea moss has 92 of the 110 minerals the body is made from. Sea moss contains beta-carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, and sulfur as well as minerals like magnesium, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and so on. All these contribute to healthy cell functioning in the body.

Add these amazing alkaline vegan superfoods into your daily lifestyle and expect to see a change in what you thought healthy living was suppose to look like! These are real and true healing foods for the body. 

Recommended daily intake: 1-2 tablespoons of seamoss gel a day. 

You can prepare seamoss gel by soaking the seamoss overnight and blending it into a blender with spring water! Store it into a glass jar for preservation. You have the option of adding lime juice for added taste.

Seamoss has very little taste so it makes for a great ingredient to add to your recipes. 

You can add seamoss into your smoothies, protein drinks, oatmeal, soups, stew and as an egg replacer or thickening agent. You can also use seamoss topically for a beautiful skin and hair moisturizer! 

Here is a video below step by step on how you can make and prepare seamoss gel: 


                                   Irish Sea Moss Gel & 102 Mineral Holy Gel | Etsy


If you have more questions about Seamoss leave a comment below! 

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